Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 28-Setting Goals
We’re at the end of our 28 day Money Mindset Makeover Challenge. How did you do? Did you follow along with all 28 days? If you did, congratulations. We’ll be revisiting the challenge in June by doing a three month check in where you can access how well you’ve done and what you achieved and what you didn’t. So, for this last day, write down your goals for March, April and May. What do you want to achieve? What do you need to work on? Is it the saving side or the making money side of the equation? Are you going to even set an actual dollar amount…for example, I…
Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 27-Your Future
Where do you see yourself financially in five years time, even ten? We’re almost at the end of this challenge so today, let’s write about our future self. What will your money situation look like in the future? Will you be spending less? Buying only things that fit into the need category rather than the want? Will you be a business owner? Will you have multiple streams of income? Will you have a nest egg or that rainy day fund? Start with the words I am and write about how you see your future financial life playing out.
Money Challenges in February
Ready to get a new money mindset? February is usually all about romance, hearts, chocolate and flowers, but seems like this year it’s going to be about money. Not only am I having a money makeover challenge here at BSG, but Angela Wills is too. First about the BSG challenge which is free to you. Each day, starting on Monday Feb 1st and finishing on Sunday Feb 28th, I’ll be posting a different money challenge for you. Nothing that’s too hard but things that I hope will get you thinking about how you view money, past ‘relationships’ you have with money, tips on budgeting, ways to save money and also…
28 Day Money Challenge
Do you need to rethink your finances? Need to make a budget and finally stick with it? Save for a rainy day? Set up a source for passive income? If any of the above apply to you then get ready for the 1st annual Budget Smart Girl Money Makeover challenge that runs from Feb 1st-28th. 28 days to rethink your money mindset. We’ll focus on why we often fail when it comes to budgets and sticking with them. How to make your money work for you. We’ll look resources to help you with your money. Ways to save money. Ways to make money. I’m still planning this challenge as I…
2021-Make Your Dreams Come True
What are your dreams for 2021? What do you want your life to look like in the new year? For the next week or so let’s sit down and work on our goals, dreams, call them what you like, for 2021. What is you what to achieve and why? Pay special attention to the why part of the question. Knowing your why can separate success from failure. It could be that you want to start a business so you can quit your job. Finally pay off some debt. Or even be more financially secure. Do you any ideas about how you’re going to take the first step? Maybe you need…
What’s Your Relationship With Money?
This week we’ve been talking about FIRE. Sometimes achieving financial independence involves changing the way you think about money. Sometimes we don’t know about the bad relationship we have with our money until some major setback happens and we realize we’ve been spending more than we earn or the savings account has just a few pennies in it. What better time to look at your how you view money than to take part in Angela of Laptop YOUniversity’s upcoming Money Master Challenge. Recently I asked her some questions about it and here’s what she had to say- BSG-How did you come up with the idea of the Money Master Challenge?…
The Road to Financial Freedom Starts Here…
Did you see my email the other day about this great big bundle of awesome business and life products from digital marketers? These are marketers who are all members of the Laptop Lifestyle YOUniversity and they ROCK. Seriously. These people are focused on building their own lifestyle freedom and they have skills and talents and offers to help you improve your business and life in many unique areas and ways. I’m talking about products on things like: Geek in Your Pocket’s Guide to Upleveling Your WordPress Site by Renee Schupe of GetaGeekinYourPocket.com ($27 Value – FREE) 1,000 Ideas for Entrepreneurs and Creatives Ebook by Gael Wood of fengshuielevation.com ($19.95 Value…
Are You On Track With Your Financial Goals?
We’re almost mid-way through the financial summer makeover/challenge so how are you doing? Are you on track to meet the financial goals you set? Here’s my update. I’ve been keeping track of money I spend and what I spend it on. It’s taught me a couple of things. One, there’s always room for improvement because even the most budget conscious of us will splurge once in a while. It’s human nature I guess, and yes, like a diet it’s sometimes a good thing because it stops you from going off the diet completely. Second thing is that being accountable if only to myself, is improving my ability to be totally…
Summer Money Makeover
It’s not yet ‘officially’ summer but Memorial Day’s been and gone so I thought we’d kick off a summer financial makeover. What gave me the idea? Over at my writing site, I’m setting up a summer writer’s retreat where we’ll get books started or half-finished ones will get completed. It’s running from June 1st through September 1st. Three months to get something done that maybe you’ve been talking about or even just dreaming about doing. So I thought how about something similar here at BSG. What would your financial makeover look like? Maybe you want to finally set up a budget? Perhaps you want to get started on saving…
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