The Blog-Desperation Dinners Ahead
Before I forget…Congratulations to Alma who was the winner of the Debbie Macomber novel. I spent most of yesterday working on a couple of week’s worth of menus as April’s going to be a busy month. I”m teaching an online writer’s workshop and getting back to work on The Budget Smart Girl book. I’m now half way done with the project and hope to have it completed by the beginning of summer. I’d love to have some input from you about what you’d like to see in a budget related book. Is there something you think most books miss? Topics that are never covered? Feel free to e-mail me with your responses. Yes, almost…
A Budget Smart Good Buy
One food I always think’s a good buy is fish. And this time of the year it’s an even more of a bargain. Two reasons-Lent and Frozen Food Month. During March I stock up on lots of items like fish sticks, canned tuna, frozen cod and salmon, stick it in the freezer or pantry and use it throughout the coming months. Besides being a good price there are lots of reasons to like this budget smart good buy- Perfect Speedy Meal I have about ten favorite desperation dinners as I call them. Meals that can be ready in less than 30 minutes and at least half of them are fish…
Cutting Down on Ready Made Foods
March means St. Patrick’s Day which always makes me think of my grandmother who was from County Cork. I’ve been paging through cookbooks figuring out what I’m going to make this St. Patrick’s Day to celebrate my Irish heritage. I’ve found recipes for dishes like colcannon and Irish soda bread. Aside from trying to recreate the foods my grandma grew up eating, I’ve been thinking about the approach her generation took toward preparing a meal. Nothing came prepackaged and they shopped for fresh local produce every day. Besides being healthier, my grandmother’s generation probably saved a whole bunch of money too. It seems supermarkets aren’t just about food any more but…
Another Budget Buy-Green Split Peas
Last month I featured black beans as a favorite budget find. This time it’s split green peas. Like beans, split peas are also a fat free, high in fiber food. And they’re inexpensive…this bag cost just 99 cents. Unlike beans, they need no presoaking. All they require is a wash and rinse to make sure they’re free of dust and the odd small stone that can sometimes creep into the mix. One of my favorite recipes is split pea soup. I had one I’d used for years but it took a long time to cook. Unless I continually monitored it, I was always faced with split peas and potatoes that got stuck to the bottom of the pan.…
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