• budget talk

    Money Challenge-Day 30-Budget Planner

    Get yourself a budget planner. Yes, another shameless self-promotion. I just created a Budget Smart Girl budget planner, head the store by clicking on this link https://www.budgetsmartgirl.com/product/budget-smart-girl-budget-planner/  or if you want a physical copy , head to Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W48J6XK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CFMHUE1BAJ8D&keywords=budget+smart+girl%27s+budget+planner&qid=1647960622&s=books&sprefix=budget+smart+girl%27s+budget+planner%2Cstripbooks%2C95&sr=1-1

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  • budget talk

    Money Challenge-Day 29-Bulk Buys

    It’s our final week of the challenge, and it’s about bulk buys. See what you can buy in bulk to save money. Some grocery stores have specific areas set for bulk buying like flour, oatmeal, spices and beans. Don’t need all the food but want to save money, try bulk buying with friends and family and divide the goodies.

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk

    Money Challenge Day 25-Preserve It

    Your growing vegetables and fruit, you’re finding great deals on buys at the store now you need to preserve them. If you don’t know how to can or dehydrate foods then check out resources online or at your library.

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  • budget talk

    Money Challenge-Day 23-Grow Your Own

    Are you growing your own food? While you can’t grow everything, there are things like vegetables, herbs and fruits like strawberries, apples and cherries. Think about what you can grow this year and beyond. And another shameless self promotion from me. I just released the Budget Smart Girl Garden Planner. If you’d like the digital version, head to the BSG store via this link Or if you prefer a physical copy here’s the link to the book that’s on sell at Amazon-

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  • budget talk

    Money Challenge-Day 22-Learn a New Skill

    It’s the third week of the Money Challenge. Have you been thinking about learning a new skill? It could be something to save money (like baking bread) or learning something to make money (art, making apps). Look for places you can learn those new skills. Many skills can now be learned online. And some shameless self-promotion here. I teach on a platform called Skillshare and they allow us to share a referral code. If you use it you’ll get one free month of Skillshare which is a great way to check it out and see if there are any classes that match your needs- https://www.skillshare.com/r/user/susanpalmquist?gr_tch_ref=on

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