What's On Sale

  • food,  What's On Sale

    February Good Buys

    Welcome to February. The shortest month of the year but there are still bargains to be found so let’s dive in… Valentine’s Day Gifts  Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, cards, stuffed animals. You might find some deals prior to Feb 14th but be sure to look out for discounted prices after the big day. Lots of them can be used for birthday and even holiday gifts too. Winter Clothing & Outerwear  Coats, sweaters, scarves, gloves, boots. Winter Sports Gear  Skiing and snowboarding equipment, snowshoes, and accessories. Home Appliances  Sales on kitchen gadgets, vacuum cleaners, and other household essentials. Electronics Laptops, smartphones, TVs, headphones, and smart home devices, especially after New Year’s promotions…

  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Best Buys for January

    Happy New Year. The best buy posts are back here at Budget Smart Girl. Each month you’ll find a list of both grocery and non-grocery items that are usually on sale or in abundance and hence a lower price. Groceries Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and mandarins are in peak season. Root vegetables: Carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and beets are fresh and available. Leafy greens: Kale, collard greens, and spinach are great choices in winter. Winter squash: Butternut and acorn squash are abundant. After Holiday Picks: some items will be discounted like holiday candies and cookies. Pick up some now and use them throughout the year for baking. Non-Groceries Winter…

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  • budget talk,  food,  Online Stores,  What's On Sale

    Is it a Good Buy?

    Can you tell the difference between a real good buy or just some company or store telling you it is? It’s easy to get sidetracked with end caps and those signs telling you buy me because I’m 20 percent off…but just for a short time so don’t be a loser by missing out. Here are five tips to help you determine what’s a good buy and not just marketing hype… Know the Value If you don’t know how much something is supposed to cost or what the regular price is for an item, then any sale telling you it’s 20% off looks like a bargain. Whenever you’re grocery shopping or…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Eating Well on a Budget-5 Simple Tips

    Eating well when food prices are high is a challenge but it can be done. A great way to get the most nutritional bang for your buck is to eat fruits, vegetables, herb and spices. Here are five tips and a bonus one for finding the best selection at the best prices. Farmer’s Markets Many of the farmer’s markets close in the winter but some areas do have indoor ones so it pays to check in your local area. Not only can you find produce but things like eggs, milk, butter etc. Buy in Bulk Are you worried about having to throw away food that you can’t use even though…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Black Friday Sale

    Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now it’s time for the sales. Budget Smart Girl is having a sale from today through the end of Cyber Monday. 25% off everything in the store. You can pick up a budget planner, gardening planner, self care kit, vision planner…as much as you want. Use coupon code BSG23 on checkout. And if like me you’re an author, coach, self publisher you might be interested in the Super Author Bundle. To tell you the truth, I’m seeing one too many bundles and lots are full of low value stuff but this one caught my attention and I agreed to take part and contribute…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Low Cost Gifts

    Hot chocolate mix is just one of the many recipes you can learn to make in a new class at Creativebug. Thanksgiving is just three weeks away and that means it’s time to start Christmas shopping. What happens if your budget is low or even bare. Turn to what works for every budget minded person and that’s make your own holiday gifts. Are you looking for ideas about what to make? One great resource is Creativebug (and yes, full disclosure I’m one of their affiliates and will be compensated but at no extra cost to you, if you decide to join). They have lots of classes but one in particular…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Friday News You Can Use

    It’s Friday and lots of you told me how much you enjoyed me digging through the Budget Smart Girl archives and finding past posts to include in News You Can Use. I had people who have been subscribers from the very beginning tell me they enjoyed seeing these articles again. Others, brand new to the site, appreciated me bringing these tips and hints to their attention. So, with that in mind, I’ve pulled out three more. It’s time to getting gardening and this first link will take you to a post from 2008. Isn’t it funny how old topics become new again and this one also from 2008, tells you…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    March-Best Buys-Frozen Food Month, Fish and more

    It’s March and that means spring is around the corner… How did you do with our February Challenge? Did you find some bargains? Did you find it hard to buy only things on sale? I have to say, it was a challenge for some things that I needed to buy. One or two were business related so I needed them and didn’t think they were the sort of thing to go on sale, so I bought them. A new month, means a new opportunity to save. In March, look for frozen items because it’s Frozen Food Month. This is a great time to stock up on frozen pantry staples, like…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Friday News You Can Use-Money On the Side

    Another work week coming to a close and here are three of my top picks for money related articles and videos. On YouTube, I found a site called Home Made Simple. There are lots of great videos about saving money but this one caught my eye, Feed Your Family All Week for $55 Next one from USNews 20 Creative Ways to Save https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/saving-and-budgeting/articles/creative-ways-to-save-money And finally, from a site called Saving Advice, 38 Ways to Make Money on the Side. Not all of them will be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m sure you can find at least one you’d like to pursue- https://www.savingadvice.com/articles/2022/05/13/1063125_ways-to-make-money-on-the-side.html Have a fun weekend and a money…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    News You Can Use-Money Saving Appliances

    Has the first full week of February flown by or what? I almost forget that it’s Friday. Here are some money saving articles and vlogs I found this week- One of my favorite sites for all things money is Wisebread. This article features doable steps you can put into action- 16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances (wisebread.com) Another one of my favorites The Penny Hoarder with more fun money saving tips How to Save Money: 25 Ways to Put Away More Every Month (thepennyhoarder.com) And finally, I stumbled upon this YouTube channel called Under the Median who vloged about saving money appliances. How to Save…

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