Soup, a Great Budget Meal
I can’t think of a better comfort food than a bowl of homemade soup. It also makes a great bargain meal for many reasons- Low Cost Ingredients Most items you use to make soup aren’t that expensive…vegetables and cheaper cuts of meat that usually tenderize during this slow cooking process. A Hearty Meal in a Bowl Thicker soups like split pea or chili contain lots of fiber that fill you up quickly. Soups containing dairy products add a satisfying richness that tricks us into thinking we’ve eaten an elaborate meal. Meal In Itself Serve a soup containing a protein and some vegetables, add some great crusty bread, and you’ve got yourself one…
Bargain Foods…that are good for you too
With food prices set to go up this year…I think I saw some evidence of this at the grocery store the other day, it’s time to start thinking about foods that give you the biggest bang for your buck. Here are some of my favorites- Canned Salmon When fresh salmon goes on sale I buy it in bulk and freeze it, when it’s back to normal prices I opt for the canned variety. Pink salmon is a bargain, even red salmon isn’t that expensive. In the summer I use it on salads, in sandwiches, pair it with sliced cucumbers and it’s one of the best combinations. I sometimes use it with…
Stop Wasting Food
We all do it…buy food, forget to eat it and the garbage bin becomes the recipient of our wasted dollars. Vegetables always seem to be my Achilles’ Heel. Sometimes I’m cleaning out the produce bin and find an item that I can no longer identitfy. So one of my New Year’s resolutions is to make sure that doesn’t happen…or at least less often in 2011. Whatever your Achilles’ Heel, here are some things I’ve found helps keep me on track. Plan Ahead I know this take extra time and most of us don’t have a lot of it right now. However, when you’re putting together your shopping list think about…
Organizing for the Budget Smart Girl
I hope you enjoyed the expert tips on getting organized. The biggest hurdle for me is finding organizing items that fit into my budget so here are some tips and everyday items I’ve found and I hope they give you some ideas too- The One Stop Organizing Site This site www.onlineorganizing.com is a great place to start. It has lots of links, articles, templates, etc. So take an hour or so doing some browsing and making notes. It’s Free Someone told me about this site a few years ago http://www.cozi.com/ It’s free to register and use and you can create a shopping list and coordinate everyone’s schedule. They Used to Have…
An Expert’s Advice on Organizing on a Budget
If you’ve been following Budget Smart Girl posts for a year or more you might remember Regina Leeds ‘The Zen Organizer’ who gave us some great tips about organizing our finances. She’s back to answer my questions about ways we can get organized on a budget. Check out her book on organizing and also her new one called One Year to An Organized Life with Baby…looks like this would make a great baby shower gift! Visit Regina’s Web site and blog at http://www.reginaleeds.com/, www.oneyeartoanorganizedlife.blogspot.com Budget Smart Girl (BSG)-What mistakes do most of us make (especially when we’re on a budget), when we start organizing? Regina Leeds (RL)-People are busy, stressed…
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