Money Motivation-Be The Owner
Ten Tips for Buying Food on a Budget
I’ve had lots of e-mails about saving money on food and requests for more posts on the topic so here’s one to get things started… Coupons and Specials I know physical coupons aren’t so commonplace as they once were but certain stores do still have their own version of a coupon. The great thing is you don’t even have to go to the store to see what they’re offering because most supermarkets now have online flyers you can check out. Some supermarkets even have a buy one, get one free promotion and also look for savings cycles when you know certain foods will be coming on sale. For example, now…
Money Motivation-Start a Small Business
Create an Emergency Fund
Do you have money set aside for things like job loss, illness or even a repair on the car you need for your work? If you do, then you know all about something called an emergency fund. If not, or you’ve been putting off starting one then here are some easy tips so you can take that first step. Emergency Funds are Vital An emergency fund is a budget smart person’s best friend. One of the top reasons to have one is you’ll less to have to rely on using a credit card and getting into debt which if you’re in the middle of a crisis like an illness or…
Money Motivation-Read for Free
Making a Budget and Sticking With It
I wouldn’t know how to even begin… Welcome to a new series of posts here at Budget Smart Girl. I’ve had lots of people e-mail me asking for tips on budgeting and the above sentence has been a common one so I thought every Thursday our Budget Smart Girl community will focus on putting together a budget and best of all, sticking with it. It’s not that hard and all it takes is a little understanding and a commitment on your part to put things in motion. An added bonus is it doesn’t have to be boring… Develop a Budget Step number one is setting up a realistic budget. And…
Money Motivation-Problem Solving
Money Motivation-Manifesting