• Business Talk

    Free Online Retreat, MEconomy and a new product

    I know it’s Monday and this post was scheduled for Tuesday but Angela has a midnight deadline for her new MEconomy program. I know lots of you are looking for ways to work online and make money so thought this might be valuable to you. Here’s the link, and the second link is for her create your online business blog post (and full disclosure these are my affiliate links) MEconomy: https://laptoplifestyleyouniversity.com/amember/aff/go/susiep?i=24 10 Steps to Create Your Online Business blog post: https://laptoplifestyleyouniversity.com/amember/aff/go/susiep?i=26 And something else I wanted to share with you, Beachpreneurs have cancelled their get together and are taking it online… and wait for this, it’s free. Here’s the link…

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  • Business Talk

    Future Thinking Entrepreneurs

    What will the world look like in six months, one year, two years? What will people be doing, what will they be needing? It’s during uncertain times that we all need to think ahead and plan for your financial future. I’ve always said smart people don’t think about today, they think way into the future and prepare for the what ifs life always throws at us. As we head into April, let’s sit and think about what’s going to change. Here are a few things I came up with- Digital Future I’m seeing lots of articles about people not wanting to handle things like cash and paper. I think that…

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  • Side Gigs,  working from home

    Five Side Gigs You Can Do At Home

    Stuck at home and need some extra cash or even to take the edge off the boredom? Side gigs are everywhere but not all of them can be done from home so I did a quick online search to find five that are completely homebased. Whether you were intending to get a side gig this year or the recent events have forced you into taking one, here’s what I found. I’ve no experience with any of them, good or bad so be sure to read the small print and make sure it’s a good fit for your needs, skills, and time commitment. If Researching Interests You Then this first one…

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  • Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Let’s Get Focused

    What will you focus on this week? Setting up your web site? Brainstorming ideas for new products? Looking into what skill you can share with others? Opening a savings account and begin your emergency fund?

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  • Business Talk

    Working From Home-Tips on Being Productive

    Working from home…I know it’s sometimes a scary thought when you’ve been used to being in an office most of your life. Lots of people are now working from home this week, many not by choice, but it’s probably the new reality for a few weeks or maybe more, so I thought I’d put together some tips on ways I’ve found to be most productive over my 20 years of working from home. Plan Out Your Day There’s nothing worse than waking up, turning on the computer and then sitting wondering what to do next. Some of you might have work planned out by your company while others might be…

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  • Business Talk,  Wednesday Interviews

    Angela Wills-Founder of Laptop University

    I’m really excited to share this interview with Angela Wills with you today. Some of you might already know about her but in case you don’t, she’s the founder of Laptop University. I can’t remember exactly how I heard about it but I’m happy that I did. I joined as a member late last year and although, I have to admit. I’ve not dived into all the goodies membership has to offer, I’ve taken some of the member only classes and it gave me the incentive and kick up the you know what to re-brand this site, try to grow a list, and make things happen so I have another…

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  • Online Stores

    Selling On Etsy

    Have you thought about selling on Etsy? I now have four stores open on Etsy and thought I’d share my experience with you. I have to admit, I haven’t made that much money, and only one of the three stores has actually made money. I have one called Artey Crafety that sells digital planners. Budget Smart Girl, the newest one that ties in with this site. Poppins Jewelry that offers my upcycled jewelry I make as a hobby. And finally, Poppins Vintage, offers vintage jewelry, complete pieces that I find while I’m scouting for jewelry to upcycle. The first two are completely digital, no physical products at all. Both jewelry…

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  • Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Showing Up

    Sometimes it’s the getting started part that’s the hardest. We think about every excuse not to do something. Sometimes that’s due to lack of knowledge. Oftentimes, we’re afraid we might fail. Just like this quote reminds us, simply showing up is the first step to achieving your dream. This week, go for it!

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  • Business Talk,  Side Gigs

    Create Your Own Business Freedom

    I’ll be posting an interview with Angela Wills, founder of Laptop University very soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to share this with you. Angela’s put together a fantastic summit. What I love most about Angela’s products and programs is they’re targeted to people like us who want to live the life we love. It’s the reason I wanted to share information about the summit with you because I know it can put you on that first step to actually putting your dream into action. Here’s information about it and what’s included…and best of all, it’s free! When you do what you love you’ll never work a day in…

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