• budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide To Easy Ways to Cut Your Budget

    These days it seems like it’s not just us Budget Smart Girls who want to save some money. When the going gets tough here are some ways I’ve found to cut your budget. What Can You Eliminate?Sit down and look at your bills, bank and credit card statements. Do you have any expenses that aren’t really necessary? Things like the weekly pedicure, the two meals you had at the fancy restaurant, the daily latte at the coffee shop? Circle anything that isn’t essential in your life. Added Services Most things that fit into the non-essential category include added services, things like cable TV, text messaging on your cell phone. Do…

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  • budget talk

    Don’t Leave Home Without It

    Remember the old American Express commercial with the tagline, ‘don’t leave home without it’? Great advice, but the thing I never leave home without isn’t my credit card, it’s my grocery list. In fact, I’m adamant about not even entering a supermarket unless I have my list with me. If you’re currently trying to cut your grocery budget, a list is a must. I try my best to stick to mine, and am proud to say only one or two items not on my list ever find their way into my cart. I’ve gone so far as to create a master grocery list that’s stored on my computer. Each time…

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    A Budget Smart Cook’s Secret Ingredient

    One of the things I love most about summer is that fresh herbs can be found just about everywhere, in the produce department of any supermarket, at farmer’s markets, and yes, your own backyard. And there are two great things about herbs. One they’re packed with flavor, so a little goes a long way. And two, they can make even the blandest of foods taste like gourmet fare. Herbs Go with Just About Everything You can add herbs to just about any dish, everything from sandwiches to pasta If you’re got a recipe you love but you’re growing tired of it, try adding some fresh herbs. One of my favorite…

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  • budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Wine

    There’s nothing that says luxury and the good life more than sitting down on the patio and sipping a glass of good wine on a hot summer’s evening. I used to think that being a Budget Smart Girl meant that I’d either have to forgo this one little pleasure, or be forced to buy a wine that wasn’t that great. However, as the philosophy of the Budget Smart Girl’s lifestyle is to have luxury but at your own price, I did some research and happy to say you can enjoy a great glass of wine at a Budget Smart price, and here’s how- Don’t Always Look at the Price Here…

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  • budget talk

    Top 5 Tips For a Green Kitchen

    The folks at Noble Juice sent me these tips and as they’re a great way to save money too, I thought I’d pass them along to you- COMPOST – Nearly 75 percent of all waste in landfills can be recycled according to earth911.com, and kitchen waste is a huge culprit. Consumers can even purchase juice and water in compostable bottles if you know where to look. Noble Juice (www.noblejuice.com) is available in a 100 percent compostable, plant-based bottle that does not contain petroleum like typical plastic bottles! Readers can do their part for the environment – and their garden – by composting organic kitchen waste. Home composting kits are readily…

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  • budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide To Travel Bargains

    Right now it seems like we can’t win when it comes to traveling. Gas prices are creeping up to $4 a gallon, which puts a squeeze on both road and air travel. But as Budget Smart Girls know, there’s always a way round high prices. Whether you’re hitting the road or taking to the friendly skies this summer, here are some tips and sights to help your money stretch further. Airfares You might have found somewhere cheap to stay, but now it’s getting there on a budget. A couple of sites to check out include www.cheapflights.com and www.cheaptickets.com. Last year I chatted with Marita Hudson Thomas who is part of…

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  • budget talk

    Portion Control-One Way To Be Budget Smart

    A couple of things got me thinking about one easy way to make your food dollar stretch even further, eating less. I don’t mean starving yourself to save money, but simply cutting back on the portion sizes. There’s been lots of media coverage about this topic. Most of us eat more calories than we actually need, and hence, pack on the pounds. And restaurants serve us portion sizes that could easily feed two people. The two things that got me thinking about this topic were, one, I was sent this very interesting article ‘Lose Weight and Eat Well on $6 a Day’. And the second thing was that last weekend…

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    The Budget Smart Girl Guide to One Way To Make Money

    Etsy and a Chat with Rachael Ward If you read my Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Selling Arts and Crafts, you might remember I mentioned an online community called Etsy www.etsy.com. It just so happened that after I wrote that piece I was working on another article, this one was about cosmetics. When I went looking for people to feature I was contacted by Rachael Ward, who by coincidence sells her line of cosmetics on Etsy. As I planned to write about places that Budget Smart Girls can sell homemade items, and Etsy being one of them, I asked Rachael if she’d like to share her experience, what it’s like…

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