FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

  • budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Last Chance for Financial Freedom

    If you’re still thinking about purchasing one of the best money bundles I’ve seen in a long time, a gentle reminder that Financial Freedom 2.0 goes away today and that’s the last we’ll see of it. It’s filled with expert advice, e-courses (one my yours truly about how to change your money mindset), e-books, and other good stuff. Prices are going up, there’s talk of a recession, layoffs, you name it so I can’t think of a better time to invest $49 to pick up a resource that can not only help you survive but thrive too. Best thing is there’s a money back guarantee. Try it for 60 days…

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  • FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  What's On Sale

    Take Your First Step Toward Financial Freedom

    Did you pick up the Financial Freedom Bundle on Black Friday? I hope you did but if you were undecided here’s another and yes, this is the final time it’s going to be available. Infostack is the leading online deal site for hand-curated collections of premium tools and resources that give you lifetime-access to thousands of dollar’s worth of resources for up to 99% off. This is most comprehensive bundle of game-changing personal finance resources I have come across in a long time and if there’s one goal all of us should have in common it’s trying to attain financial freedom and this bundle can help you take that first…

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Side Gigs,  working from home

    Budget Smart Girl Meets Cary Richards of Infostack

    Budget Smart Girl loves interviewing successful entrepreneurs so I was thrilled to get the opportunity to chat with Cary Richards. In this interview you’ll hear how he started a very successful company and you’ll get a preview of one of the upcoming products debuting the week of Thanksgiving. And if that’s not enough, if you have a product or service that you feel is suited to a future bundle, there’s a link so you can talk to Cary directly. Budget Smart Girl (BSG)-I know my readers and subscribers will want to know something about you, so could you tell us about yourself. Cary Richards (CR)-I live in the Pacific Northwest…

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  What's On Sale

    Looking for Extra Income or a Side Hustle?

    Who doesn’t want to make extra income or create a side hustle doing something you love. Keeping ahead of inflation is vital now and one way to do that is to create a business or someway to make extra cash. I’m excited to tell you about the current Content Creation Collection Toolbox because I think you’ll find it perfect for finding a way to do just that. This toolbox is a collaboration of the best training (courses & eBooks), high-quality done-for-you content, beautifully crafted commercial use low content books, developer rights plugin, and Canva templates you’ll find on the web by over 60+ talented product creators. That’s right – with…

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    What’s Next?

    I hope you enjoyed the Money Challenge last month. Did you learn anything new? Figure out what sort of business you’d like to start? A new way to save money?. I’d love to hear what you thought about the challenge. So, what’s next? Lots of you have told me you’d like to see a making money challenge. I’m in the planning process and will keep you updated. I’m also working on a couple of products keyed toward saving money. Next month, I’ll be taking part in another Toolbox kit. In fact, the product I’m including is my brand new Content Creation Machine. If you’d like to buy it now, here’s…

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  • budget talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Exercise Can Save You Money

    I should add to this title that it can even make you money…how you say? One of the biggest costs in most people’s budget isn’t always that obvious. It’s not until you go to a doctor or end up with a huge bill because of some illness that could have been avoided, that you realize how much we pay for healthcare. I’m not saying that if you exercise you won’t ever get sick, get an illness or even never pay a visit to an emergency room because other factors like genetics and accidents come into play too. However, you’ll be in better shape should something bad happen. I know most…

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    New Year, New You

    Happy 2022 to you. This post is going to be one of those a little of that, and a little of this. I’ve had lots of companies contact me with information about ways to save money and beat inflation. I’m slowly sorting through them and will pick out anything I think is worth passing on to you. I’ve decided not to post our usual good things to buy this month because I’m switching that feature to the resource section and once that’s up and running I’ll give you the link. So, what’s on your to do list this year? One of mine must do’s is plan and plant a vegetable…

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Five Potential Money Making Trends for 2022

    Are you thinking about making extra money in 2022? Even considering starting your own business? Here are five trends I feel are potential money makers- Security Crimes of all kinds on the rise. You might not have seen an increase where you live, but others haven’t been so lucky. I think people are going to be looking to securing their home, their cars, even feeling more at ease while shopping. Think about how you can help people increase their sense of personal security. Maybe you can teach a class on self-defense. How about setting up a web site where you review various home security systems. Homeschooling Some parents chose not…

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