• budget talk,  Monday Money Saving Tips

    Monday Money Saving Tips-Say Cheese

    Want to give a recipe some, wow, that was great, what’s the secret, quality? Try using a stronger cheese, like sharp cheddar or Parmesan. Yes, sometimes they cost more but you need less of it and it takes the recipe to a whole new level without you spending a fortune. Give it a try next time you make mac and cheese.

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  • budget talk,  Monday Money Saving Tips

    Monday Money Saving Tips-Rice Pudding

    We often think about rice for savory dishes but it’s also wonderful used for sweet dishes too. Have you tried rice pudding as a way to make a filling dessert? Head to Allrecipes to find your favorite one and one that fits your budget. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/14442/desserts/custards-and-puddings/rice-pudding

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  • budget talk,  Monday Money Saving Tips

    Monday Money Saving Tips-High End Fashion

    Welcome to a new feature here at Budget Smart Girl, Monday Money Saving Tips. Each week you’ll get a tip that can help you stretch your dollars. (If you’re looking for Monday Money Motivation, you can find it at My Worth Penny www.myworthypenny.com). Do you need a new dress for a wedding, need some clothes for the office and want to look like stepped off the runway? Head to the most affluent suburbs in your area and check out their charity and consignment stores. You’d be surprised what people donate or sell when they want to refresh their wardrobe. I’ve found top designer name coats, dresses and blouses for the…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Best Buys for January

    Happy New Year. The best buy posts are back here at Budget Smart Girl. Each month you’ll find a list of both grocery and non-grocery items that are usually on sale or in abundance and hence a lower price. Groceries Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and mandarins are in peak season. Root vegetables: Carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and beets are fresh and available. Leafy greens: Kale, collard greens, and spinach are great choices in winter. Winter squash: Butternut and acorn squash are abundant. After Holiday Picks: some items will be discounted like holiday candies and cookies. Pick up some now and use them throughout the year for baking. Non-Groceries Winter…

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