• budget talk

    Who Knew-A Book for Your Reference Shelf

    February and I’m keeping up with my goal of reading at least one non-fiction work each week. I found this one and thought I’d share it with you because I think it’s a great one to have on your reference shelf. Who Knew? 10,001 Household Solutions by Bruce and Jeanne Lubin. It’s full of money saving tips, make it yourself cleaners, easy solutions to things like doors that stick. Just about everything a Budget Smart Girl would need to know to save time and money. It even has a section on cooking, how to keep food staying fresher longer, homemade remedies, at home spa ideas… Here’s the link if you…

  • Monday Money Saving Tips

    Monday Money Saving Tip-Switch the Oil

    When you’re frying or saute things like vegetables for soups and chilis and you run out of oil or want to save a penny or two, use broth or even water. Simply start to saute the food in a little oil or butter and then when you need to add more reach for the water or broth. It can also cut down on calories and fat but the flavor’s still there.

  • food,  What's On Sale

    February Good Buys

    Welcome to February. The shortest month of the year but there are still bargains to be found so let’s dive in… Valentine’s Day Gifts  Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, cards, stuffed animals. You might find some deals prior to Feb 14th but be sure to look out for discounted prices after the big day. Lots of them can be used for birthday and even holiday gifts too. Winter Clothing & Outerwear  Coats, sweaters, scarves, gloves, boots. Winter Sports Gear  Skiing and snowboarding equipment, snowshoes, and accessories. Home Appliances  Sales on kitchen gadgets, vacuum cleaners, and other household essentials. Electronics Laptops, smartphones, TVs, headphones, and smart home devices, especially after New Year’s promotions…

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