• budget talk

    Summer Money Makeover

      It’s not yet ‘officially’ summer but Memorial Day’s been and gone so I thought we’d kick off a summer financial makeover. What gave me the idea? Over at my writing site, I’m setting up a summer writer’s retreat where we’ll get books started or half-finished ones will get completed. It’s running from June 1st through September 1st. Three months to get something done that maybe you’ve been talking about or even just dreaming about doing. So I thought how about something similar here at BSG. What would your financial makeover look like? Maybe you want to finally set up a budget? Perhaps you want to get started on saving…

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  • budget talk

    The Added Cost of Fear and Uncertainty

        What if it breaks, what if the car breaks down, or I lose my cell phone… We all have one of those days, sometimes one of those weeks. Put it down to bad luck or the universe not being on our side. We’re human so that makes us worry and companies know that. Sometimes it’s the fear and uncertainty of everyday living that costs us more money than it should. What got me thinking about this? I’ve been reading a couple of financial books (I’ll be reviewing them here on BSG at a later date), and both of them mentioned that oftentimes we pay more because a company…

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    For Subscribers in The European Union

      I’m not sure if this applies to BSG (or not sure if I fully understand the whole thing), but next week the European Union has a new law coming into effect about subscribers to lists etc. I’ve been told even those of us who live in the US have to address this issue. So if you’re a subscriber based in one of the European Union countries and you don’t wish to be on the subscriber list any longer you need to unsubscribe before May 25th. Thank you-BSG.

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  • budget talk,  Business Talk

    Compound Interest-Friend or Foe?

    Compound interest… Two words that make me think about my maternal grandmother. I know what you’re probably thinking why would something connected to money make her think about grandma? Let me explain… My grandmother was widowed when she was just 51 years old. She was a very independent lady, didn’t rely on her family, didn’t want to burden my parents so she’d adopted a mindset that made sure she was financially secure to the day she died (at 87). She had two ways of looking at money and debt. First one was, make money work for you and save up for something you want and then buy it. Never buy it and…

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