• Money Motivation

    Money Motivation-How Do You Spend Your Time?

    The one thing that makes both rich and poor equal is that both have the same 24 hours a day. Sometimes people get rich because they use those 24 hours more wisely. It could be researching a business idea, looking for ways to invest, etc. Your task this week is to track your time and what you do? Is any of it wasted like watching too much TV or spending time on social media sites? And how would that time be better spent?

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  • budget talk

    Sewing Can Save You Money

    Are you sewing skills a little rusty? I have to admit, I’m okay at the basic skills, making pillows and drapes but when it comes to making clothes from a pattern, that’s never been my thing. However, with the price of everything going upwards, I think it’s time to dust off the sewing machine and learn some new skills. Not only does making your own clothes and things for around your house save you money, but knowing how to repair old clothes is a great skill to have too. Things like repairing holes in your favorite sweater or a hem on a skirt that’s starting to come apart. There are…

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  • Money Motivation

    Money Motivation-Are You Saving Enough for Your Golden Years?

    When we’re young we can’t comprehend that one day we’ll be as old as our parents or grandparents. The golden years arrive sooner than you think and how are you prepared for them? Will you need to keep working? This week, if you haven’t already done so, start a retirement fund.

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Eating Well on a Budget-5 Simple Tips

    Eating well when food prices are high is a challenge but it can be done. A great way to get the most nutritional bang for your buck is to eat fruits, vegetables, herb and spices. Here are five tips and a bonus one for finding the best selection at the best prices. Farmer’s Markets Many of the farmer’s markets close in the winter but some areas do have indoor ones so it pays to check in your local area. Not only can you find produce but things like eggs, milk, butter etc. Buy in Bulk Are you worried about having to throw away food that you can’t use even though…

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  • budget talk

    Frugal is Trendy

    Frugal is the new in thing. We, budget smart girls have known that for a long time. Budget Smart Girl’s been around since 2005 and before that it was The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to the Universe and Eating Well on a Budget. We’ve been through recessions and tough times before, we’ve weathered the storm and now once again frugal is trendy, it’s the in thing. Traffic to this site has picked up tremendously in the last month or so, which tells me that people are looking for ways to save money. As I work on the new Budget Smart course I thought it would be fun to share with…

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  • Money Motivation

    Money Motivation-Visit Your Library

    Welcome to the new Monday Motivation which is now called Money Motivation. This year will focus on money tips to get you motivated for the week ahead. This first tip is about using your local library, it’s a great resource for not only books…yes, ones you can learn about money, but you can rent movies, CDs get advice about local resources and some even hold classes. If you haven’t already got one, your task this week is to go and get your library card.

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