Friday and April Round Up-What’s Ahead in May?
t’s the last day in April. Can you believe how quickly the month flew by? Did you get everything on your to do list done? I’m way behind on mine and one of the reasons for lack of posts here at BSG. I’m in the planning stages of a money mindset course I want to create and it’s taking longer than I thought. If you didn’t see my post about the change in e-mails, a reminder that if you signed up Feedburner which would have been between 2005-2013, that platform is going away. I’m trying to import everyone on the list to the new Mailchimp one but I think I…
Money Mindset Makeover April Check In
It’s almost the end of April. Two months since the February Money Mindset Makeover Challenge. Did you follow along? Did you set yourself some goals? In June, we’ll do a three month check in to gauge how well we’ve done but as we move into that third month after the conclusion of the challenge, let’s do a mini review. Did you work on figuring out your assets and liablities? Figure out what some of your budget downfalls are? Look at ways to shave costs off your monthly expenses? Explore ways to bring in extra income? Is there anything you’re struggling with? If so, what resources do you need to access…
Make Your Money Work For You
Is your money ‘sleeping’? Think about ways you can ‘wake up’ your money and getting working for you and not vice versa.
E-Mail List Update
If you’ve been a subscriber of Budget Smart Girl since 2005 you probably signed up via Feedburner and receive posts via their delivery system. After the end of the month (April), this service will no longer be available which means you’ll no longer receive notifications and posts of anything that appears on the site. I do have the subscriber list and I’m hoping to import them to the system I now use which is Mailchimp via the Popup Builder but as you know techy stuff isn’t always easy for Ms. Non-Techy here so if you still want to continue receiving posts and notifications can you use the PopUp builder on…
Monday Motivation-How You Live Your Life
Time = Money
Something money can’t buy is time. We all have the same 24 hours a day so spend it wisely because time equals money. Time is an investment. I’ve been going through my to do list. I often take on more than I know I can achieve but this week I’m taking a new approach. I’m assigning a dollar value to each thing on that list. I’ve also done the same thing for my long term goal list. I’ve realized that while there are some things that I love and enjoy doing they’re not netting me much in the way of a return on my investment of time. I’m spending hours…
Monday Motivation-Money Freedom
Friday Round Up-Lots of Chores
How did your first full week of April turn out? Got everything on your to do list done? If it’s anything like mine, it grows every day. This week I’ve been working on more writing classes and uploaded a new one for Skillshare. It’s a short one about improving your writing in 15 easy tips. Here’s the link if you want to check it out- https://skl.sh/3dEvojx Also, check out last week’s post to find a link to try Skillshare free for 14 days. Angela Wills also has a new class, Service Business Switch, starting soon with a launch price of just $25 and it’s all about switching from a service…
Buy Now to Protect Your Purchasing Power?
Inflation, hyperinflation, deflation which one is going to be? I listen to lots of economic podcasts and the buzzwords are those three words above that all end in tion. No one economist or financial expert agrees which one is going to happen but all of them are in agreement, that it’s time to think about your financial future and if you’ll take a proactive stand against whichever one comes our way. Lots of people have been saying that food prices are going up, others say prices are the same but content is getting smaller. I’ve heard talk about building supplies going up by as much as 150%. Also think about…
Money Doesn’t Equal Happiness but…