• budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Green Cleaning

    While buying ‘green’ cleaning products probably won’t put a big dent in your budget, it still pays to compare prices. It’s also a smart idea to check on ingredients because some cleaning products aren’t as green as they claim. Here are some tips on ‘green cleaning’ the Budget Smart Girl way. Make Your Own One way you can save some pennies (and know exactly what’s in your cleaner), is to make your own. No science degree required and no putting formulas together. I turned to homemade cleaners when I got one too many headaches from using a well-known bathroom cleaner. That got tossed in the bin and I came up…

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  • budget talk

    The Budget Smart Cook’s Guide to Cooking Oils

    If you’re the grocery shopper in the family, I probably don’t have to tell you that food prices have skyrocketed in the last 12-18 months. A report just in from the USDA says that US retail food prices jumped 4% in 2007…the biggest gain in 17 years. An economist for the USDA thinks that we’re likely to see another 3.5 – 4% climb in prices again this year. And something that really surprised me in this report was that oils and fats are expected to have the largest price hikes. So let’s use those oils and fats wisely and make the most of our money. How Much Fat Do We…

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  • budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Stress Relieving Products

    Looking for products to relieve stress at a Budget Smart Girl’s price isn’t always that easy. In fact, the price of some items is enough to send your stress level skyrocketing. However, as being a Budget Smart Girl is all about living the good life without breaking the bank, I went searching to see what I could find. I also sat down and thought about the inexpensive ways I relieve some of the stress in my life. Web Site Resources My search for sites relating to relaxation and stress relief mostly yielded ones selling products that sounded questionable at best, but I did stumble upon this one that I really…

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