• affiliate marketing,  Side Gigs

    Get Paid What Your Worth…and for everything

    It’s all too easy to think that stuff we find fun isn’t work or doesn’t have a price tag on it. Here’s what happened to me about twenty years ago. When I had to quit my job and started doing freelance PR work. I shortchanged myself not just a little, but a lot. I’d have potential clients call me and we’d chat and then set up a meeting where I’d go through everything I’d do to help them and their business get noticed. Most of the time, we’d meet in a café or coffee shop and yes, I’d even pay for the drinks or meal. I’d spend an hour, sometimes…

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  • Business Talk

    Goals-Keys to Success

    I’m a firm believer that by setting goals you’re half way along the road to success. I’ve set goals for saving money, writing books, losing weight and exercising, and even for projects that need tackling around the house. Think about the business you want to start or the way you want to start making money. Brainstorm for five minutes about all the tasks you’ll need to do to get where you want to go. Then start breaking them down into baby steps. For example, overall goal, launching a new graphic design business. Baby steps might include-getting a web site set up. Getting business cards made. Joining your local chamber of…

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  • Business Talk

    Do You Know How You’re Going To Make Money?

    My post the other day was centered on finding your passion? The next thing you need to figure out is how you’re going to channel it into something that makes you money. Are you working a full time job and thinking about taking a side gig? Or do you want to quit your job and take the plunge and launch your own business? Maybe it’s a bit of both things, you’ll continue to work at your job and launch your own business that you’ll pursue in the evening and at weekends. Are you going to put a hobby to good use. Maybe you make sweaters or clothes that you can…

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  • Business Talk

    What’s Your Passion?

    Let’s kick off the making money journey with a question. What’s your passion? If you had to explain it in one sentence what would it be? I’m a firm believer in when you choose a business or a side gig, it’s best to go with something that you’re passionate about. Sure, you can choose the hot trend of the year, something that you know others are making thousands of dollars doing, but if it’s not something that you’re passionate about, it’s not going to last…you’re not going to last. When you work for yourself, you’ve got no one telling you what to do next, no boss watching over your shoulder making sure…

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  • Business Talk

    An Honest Review of PDFelment

    Here’s a review of some software I did for my writing site, This Writer’s Life www.thiswriterslife.com and thought the product might be a good fit for BSG too as we’re now focusing on launching a business and I think this software could be helpful. I’ve never reviewed products here at TWL before but I was recently approached by a company to do just that. So disclaimer up front, I received the product in exchange for an honest review. What is the product and why did I agree to review it and share it with you? It a software program called PDFelement and it’s made by Wondershare Software LLC. At first,…

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