• budget talk,  Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Possible Budget Smart Girl Marketplace

    We’re almost half way through summer. Maybe where you’re at it’s half way through winter. How is your year going so far? Have you met all your goals or are you planning more for the fourth quarter? As you know, I’ve been thinking about new business ideas and what I want to do next. Posting to all my sites is getting tough because it takes so much time and doesn’t really yield the results I want to see. I have a long list of ideas and ways I want to take these sites in new directions. One idea for BSG is to turn it into more of a marketplace to…

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  • Business Talk,  Online Stores,  Side Gigs

    Outsourcing-Save Money or Waste Money?

    Do you outsource chores and/or business related activities? Some people call me stubborn, (and yes, I am a Budget Smart Girl too), but when it comes to letting other people do the work for me, I often try to do it myself first. It’s only after I grow frustrated that I often resort to hiring someone. I’ve been spending the last month or so looking into new business ventures. I’ve come up with a few ideas that I know I can probably get set up on my own but maybe it’s wisdom that finally made me realize, it’s better off moneywise to hire someone to do it for me. An…

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  working from home,  writing

    Side Gigs-An Interview with Erin Mahoney

    Please welcome Erin Mahoney to Budget Smart Girl. She’s one of my private students and the author of Side Hustle Gigs, A Step by Step Guide to a Profitable Side Business. Budget Smart Girl (BSG)-Let’s start with you telling everyone about yourself and how you got interested in side gigs? Erin Mahoney (EM)-By education and training, I’m a vet technician. I’m an avid traveler at heart and realized that having a full time job didn’t allow me the time off I needed to see all the places on my list. I didn’t want to be one of those people who save money each week and then once they turn 65,…

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  • budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Best Buys for July

    Another month, and can you believe that half of 2021 is now history? Time for another post about what to buy this month. Here’s the list I came up with and hold off until after the Fourth of July holiday because you always see major discounts on all the spring and summer items that haven’t sold. Summer items, think clothes, swimwear, sandals, grills, plants, especially annuals and especially if you live in an area with a short growing season. And don’t forget to check out sales on outdoor furniture too. Thinking about a home makeover…paint is often on sale in July. Computers and laptops also see some discounts At the…

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