FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Side Gigs,  Teaching and Coachig,  working from home

Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 6-What’s Your Passion?

What’s Your Passion?

The first week of the challenge is almost over. So far we’ve looked at net worth, assets and liabilities, what money comes in and what money goes out each month. Yesterday, we talked about looking at the goods and services on the minus side of the equation but today we’re going to look at the other side of the coin. Ways you can make that amount larger than your outgoing expenditure.

Cutting expenses is one way to do it but we all get to the point where we’ve cut back as much as we can so that’s where trying to make more money to increase that plus side comes into play.

Today sit and think about all the ways you might be able to make money.

Make a list of skills you have (and don’t be modest because we all have things we excel at or have lots of knowledge on certain topics).

Maybe you’re a teacher or former teacher and you could start a tutoring company. Could be you’re going to help parents with homeschooling their children.

Maybe people always compliment you on how well organized you house is each time they visit. Perhaps that could be turn into tutorials or a video series on how to organize.

It could be you’ve been sewing since you were old enough to hold a needle and thread. You could make things and sell them or show others how to do it.

So many possibilities but only you know your skills and passion.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down skills, likes, past experiences, things you get complimented on.

Tomorrow, we’ll take the next step.

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