FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

Money Makeover Challenge-Day Two

It’s day two and I thought I’d post some questions we need to ask ourselves as we make our way through the rest of the month. Either take pen and paper or use your laptop for your responses. We’ll do a final check in on March 1st so you can gauge our progress.

What would you say is your biggest money challenge?

It could be you can’t save even a penny, you have lots of credit card debt or you can’t get motivated enough to find ways to save money.

If you lost your job or source of income, how long do you think you’d be able to continue paying your bills?

When…if ever, have you sat down and figured out your net worth? Assets versus liabilities?

How much do you know about passive income?

How often do you check interest rates and also savings interest rates?

In the last year, have to looked at ways you can cut costs?

When it comes to money, what one thing would you say you’re grateful for?

Keep these responses handy as we make our way through the challenge.

‘See’ you again tomorrow.

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