Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

Setting Goals and Planning

It’s December, did you achieve all you set out to do this year?

2020 has been a strange year. If it’s taught us one thing, it’s about planning and then if those plans don’t work out, having a back up one. Whether it be connected with your money and budget, or even looking for another way to make a living, planning and thinking ahead is more important than every before.

I’ve decided to make that the focus of Budget Smart Girl as we move into 2021. Ways to plan, set goals and have lots of alternative things you can turn to if the unexpected happens.

In Thursday’s post, I’ll be telling you about some of the topics and things I have planned for content for this site but I’d love your input too. What do you struggle with the most? Is it getting ideas for starting a business? Sticking with a budget? Time management? Please let me know at

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