budget talk

Are You Eating Your Way Into Debt?

I’m late for work, I haven’t got time to put something together for lunch. Never mind, I’ll just go out to eat. It’s just one day, right?

I had an awful day at work so I’ll go out to eat?

Do the above scenarios sound like you?

Eating out once in awhile is fine because we all need to splurge now and then but when it comes to be a weekly or worse still a daily habit, you could be eating your way into debt?

There’s nothing worse than paying off credit card bills for food you could have prepared yourself.

And here are some of the other dangers of eating out…

Cost of Food

Simple fact…it costs more to buy food from a restaurant than directly from a grocery store. Not only are you paying for the food, but the restaurant also figures in how much it costs them to cook the food and to pay their staff to wait on you.

Everything Looks So Good

When we go out to eat most of us not only order a main course but when we look around and see others enjoying appetizers and drinks and not to mention the magic words, do you think you have room for dessert? It’s hard to stop at just one course and things add up quickly.

So, what can you do?

Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to avoid food waste and make the most of your food dollar. At the beginning of the week, take a look through your fridge and cupboards and think of what recipes you can make from what you already have. Then prepare a grocery list for the items you need and don’t yet have.  

Prepare Food Ahead of Time

Go shopping and then come home and prepare lunches and suppers for the week.  Many of us fall back on bad habits because we’re pushed for time. Two things that really help are preparing meals when you do have more time and freezing them or making some slow cooker meals that are ready and waiting for you after a long day at work.

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