budget talk,  Business Talk

Moneysaving Tip-Grab a Notebook

I’m getting lots of requests for moneysaving tips so I thought I’d begin a new category Moneysaving Tip.

If you’re new to the site, it is full of money saving articles, tips, and recipes so take a look through the archives and feel free to share the links with others who might be looking for tips.

Now to this tip. Here’s something you should be doing all the time but it’s even more vital now as prices go up or at least fluctuate, and that’s a getting a notebook and writing down the prices of things you buy on a regular basis. That way you don’t have to rely on your memory to ascertain whether the price has gone up and by how much. I’ve found lots of items on my list that have gone up, some of them have doubled. It’s at that point I know it’s time to look at buying something similar for less. It could be a different brand or a generic line that a store offers. I always say one rule of being budget smart is don’t be loyal to one brand or company…especially in this era of rising costs.

I hope you can put this tip to good use.

More tips coming soon….

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