budget talk,  What's On Sale

Best Buys for July

Buy some extra produce to preserve for later eating!

Another month, and can you believe that half of 2021 is now history?

Time for another post about what to buy this month. Here’s the list I came up with and hold off until after the Fourth of July holiday because you always see major discounts on all the spring and summer items that haven’t sold.

Summer items, think clothes, swimwear, sandals, grills, plants, especially annuals and especially if you live in an area with a short growing season. And don’t forget to check out sales on outdoor furniture too.

Thinking about a home makeover…paint is often on sale in July.

Computers and laptops also see some discounts

At the grocery store

The berries are now in peak season which include-blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.

Cool down with watermelon and cantaloupes.

Don’t forget to stock up on peaches, apricots and plums

And in the veggie section be sure to grab some corn, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini.

Right now it’s a great time to buy extra and either can it, freeze it, dehydrate it or even make jam and salsa.

No Monday Motivation next week as it’s a long holiday weekend but I’ll be posting my interview with Erin Mahoney author of Side Gigs on Wednesday.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July.

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