Outsourcing-Save Money or Waste Money?
Do you outsource chores and/or business related activities?
Some people call me stubborn, (and yes, I am a Budget Smart Girl too), but when it comes to letting other people do the work for me, I often try to do it myself first. It’s only after I grow frustrated that I often resort to hiring someone.
I’ve been spending the last month or so looking into new business ventures. I’ve come up with a few ideas that I know I can probably get set up on my own but maybe it’s wisdom that finally made me realize, it’s better off moneywise to hire someone to do it for me. An expert that can do this stuff in their sleep. While they’re getting the new venture worked out for me, I can write my new book, research yet other ventures, coach my students, and as time permits, sit outside and enjoy a good book.
Other entrepreneurs have told me that outsourcing is the way to go but I’ve only done it as a very last resort thinking it was going to be hard on my budget. This time around I sat down and figured out how many hours I’d put into the task, how much money I’d lose by not doing the other stuff, the time I’d never get back, and the frustration, and maybe some lost hair that I’d pull out when things went wrong over and over again. When I saw the numbers I realized, outsourcing makes sense.
So moral of this story, look at things you can outsource. If like me, you’ve been putting it off thinking it will kill your budget or lower your profit margin, then crunch some numbers. And remember if you do outsource, keep all your receipts because it could be tax deductible…always check with your accountant or tax preparer first.
I’d love to hear your feedback on the topic of outsourcing. What sort of tasks do you always outsource or even thinking about outsourcing?
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