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Possible Budget Smart Girl Marketplace

Would you be interested in using the Budget Smart Girl site to sell your digital products?

We’re almost half way through summer. Maybe where you’re at it’s half way through winter.

How is your year going so far?

Have you met all your goals or are you planning more for the fourth quarter?

As you know, I’ve been thinking about new business ideas and what I want to do next. Posting to all my sites is getting tough because it takes so much time and doesn’t really yield the results I want to see.

I have a long list of ideas and ways I want to take these sites in new directions. One idea for BSG is to turn it into more of a marketplace to help other entrepreneurs get noticed and sell their products. For now I’m thinking mostly of people who sell digital products and they’d be no charge to list them. Can I ask you, if I started such a marketplace would you be interested in listing your products here at BSG? If so, feel free to contact me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com and I’ll keep you up to date as things progress.

Of course, there will still be posts about saving and making money but not as frequent. Speaking of which, if you’re a long term subscriber and signed up to receive posts through the Feedburner subscription which was before 2012, you’ll need to go the www.budgetsmartgirl.com and sign up through the new e-mail subscription service because Feedburner e-mail is closing mid-August and you’ll no longer receive notifications when I post new stuff. I’m trying my best to transfer you over but you know that me and anything techny don’t always get along, so if you still want to continue reading posts, and just in case I can’t figure it out, signing up again is probably the best route.

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