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Five Reasons To Write a Non-Fiction Book

Have you been thinking about writing a book?

Publishing used to be for the select few but with self publishing platforms like Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and let’s no forget Smashwords, there’s never been a better or easier time to pen a non-fiction book.

If I haven’t convinced you, then here are my top five reasons why you should get started today-

Shows You As An Expert

People listen to and buy from people who they consider experts. I’m not just talking about people with advanced degrees in topics, but anyone who has knowledge and the expertise they feel can help them solve a problem.

It could be their home or office is always cluttered and they need tips on how to get rid of it and keep it organized once and for all. You step in, write a book on the topic and offer them the solution.

Easy Giveaway

I have some students who have written non-fiction books to give away on their site. Not 200 page ones, but short how to or problem solving books that visitors (and potential) clients can download from their web site. Not all readers of the free book will become customers but many will.

Extra Income

I also have students who are public speakers and use their non-fiction book to gain extra income. At the end of their speech, they autograph and sell the books. Once the book is written then it’s not only extra income but passive income too.

First Step to a Big Publishing Contract

While self publishing has gotten easier, the same can’t be said for traditional publishing. In fact, in the land of non-fiction books, it might have become harder because you need what’s known as an author’s platform…a name, a following which gives the publisher some insurance that the book will sell well. An easy way to get that is to self publish your own book and get that following, get that experience so you have something up front to offer a traditional publisher. Think of it as a way to lure them in.

Turn It Into a Webinar

I probably don’t have to tell you that webinars are hot, hot, hot, especially now everyone’s conducting business online. You can easily convert your book into a webinar or even a self paced class and once again it becomes passive income.

If you have any questions or need any advice about picking or writing a non-fiction topic you’re welcome to e-mail me at

And don’t forget the Check Us Out Sale is winding down, last chance to pick up a bunch of great stuff for just $5 ends on September 30th. I have my own Write a Non-Fiction Book in 30 Days included it that sale if you want to finally get you book written.

Here’s the link

(Full disclosure-the link is my affiliate one so I get compensated if you buy anything using it).

Happy writing.

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