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The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Halloween

The shaky economy might be the scariest thing out there right now, but that doesn’t mean the Budget Smart Girl can’t have some fun on Halloween. In fact, this year I’m seeing more prices being cut before Halloween. Everything from candy to decorations. So you might not have to wait until the last minute to pick up a bargain…but of course, it never hurts to do that anyway.

What’s in Your Closet?
If you’re in a bind about what to wear this year and don’t the budget for something fancy, check your closet. Is there anything in there you can use? And yes, if you have some clothes from say the 70s or 80s, you can just about pick any character from that era. I remember back to my days at school when I was picked to play a shepherd in the school play. They sent me home with a pattern for my mom to make my outfit. She couldn’t sew so we ended up finding one of her old dresses Yes, it just happened to have colorful stripes on it. We cut it down to fit me, put a cord around the waist and everyone thought it was the best outfit.

Consignment Stores
Okay, so you couldn’t find anything in your closet, so stop by your nearest consignment store and see what they have to offer. I know consignment stores are seeing increased traffic these days so I’m thinking bargains might be harder to find now.

Thrift Stores
I know lots of people who won’t think of going to a thrift store at any other time of the year but Halloween. You’re bound to find some retro outfits or even some old Halloween costumes. Another note here, I read these stores are also seeing an increase in shopping traffic and not just for costumes, so make sure you go there early.

Buy Now, Wear Twice
And if you are buying new this year, think about an outfit that you can maybe adapt for next year. That way you’ll save yourself some money next Halloween should your budget still be feeling the pinch.

Okay, you know what most people say, don’t buy candy that you like because you’ll end up eating it. I say that’s exactly what you want to do. And no, I don’t mean before the trick and treaters arrive at your door. Buy the candy you like and then hide it away until Halloween. If you don’t get as many ghouls and goblins at the door as you expect, you’re not left with bags of candy you hate, and therefore you haven’t wasted money.

Leftover Candy
And on the subject of candy, how about buying some that you can use at Thanksgiving or even Christmas. It’s going to be on sale so you might as well stock up. You can buy candy you can give as stocking stuffers. Or buy candy that you’ll use in the Christmas cookies.

Stores to Check Out
One of the best types of stores to check out for decorations for any holiday is your local dollar store. It’s my top pick for bags at Christmas. And they usually have items like Halloween decorations and paper cups and plates.
Another store to visit is Michaels craft store. They usually have some great deals in the weeks leading up to Halloween and sometimes have Halloween related craft classes for the kids too. In fact, this might be a cheaper alternative than a Halloween party. Visit www.michaels.com Click on their hot item of the week.

Sites to Check Out
Here are some sites where you might be able to pick up the odd bargain or two.
www.wholesaleaccessorymarket.com, some good stuff, but you’ll need to spend at least $50.

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