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    Last Day To Buy Your Content Creation Collection Toolbox and More Ways to Use the Content

    Yesterday, I posed three tips on using the content you’ll find in the spring version of the Toolbox that’s currently on sale. Here are a few more ideas- Create a Class People love learning new skills and gaining knowledge and it’s also a great way to pull in an audience. Problem is what do you teach? Putting together a class can also be time consuming…believe me when I say I speak from experience. But what if you could sort through a bunch of content and pull similar topics together and have ‘sort of’ a ready made class? Looking through the list of content in this toolbox, I see lots of…

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    Tips for Using PLR and Purchased Content

    Did you buy the spring toolkit last week and wondering what you can do with all the wonderful products you’ve downloaded? Here are three ideas for putting them to good use- Combine Them Have a bunch of planners and like pages from both product one and product two? How about merging the two to create a planner just for you (or if both products have PLR), selling them to your customers. Customize it to your own needs or those of your customers. For things like articles, how about combining them and even creating a giveaway for your audience. Your Own Take I often take a basic idea and then put…

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