• budget talk,  Side Gigs,  Teaching and Coachig

    Creativebug-Try it for Free!

    Save money…make money. That’s the theme of this site and easy ways to do both are to learn new skills. Learning a new skill can help you save money, like sewing your own clothes, mending your own clothes, making homemade products etc. Learning a new skill can also help you make money. Imagine learning how to knit, sew, make jewelry, create beautiful art that you can sell or even use as a stepping stone to start a successful business. How do you learn new skills? Creativebug. I was lucky enough to get complimentary access to their fantastic site and try some of the classes they offer. I honestly didn’t know…

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early


    Afraid you’re competing with too many entrepreneurs? There’s a silver lining… We’ve talked about possible future ideas for businesses. We’re going to see lots more people start businesses or at least look for side hustles. It’s easy to think, everyone’s doing that and I can’t compete but there’s a plus to so many people suddenly being self employed. I speak from experience when I say we can’t possibly do it all. We need help, even if it’s not on a daily basis, there are times when our time is short or our expertise doesn’t match up to the skill we need to get the job done. That’s where you come…

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  • Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Showing Up

    Sometimes it’s the getting started part that’s the hardest. We think about every excuse not to do something. Sometimes that’s due to lack of knowledge. Oftentimes, we’re afraid we might fail. Just like this quote reminds us, simply showing up is the first step to achieving your dream. This week, go for it!

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  • Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Take That First Step

    Thinking about living your dream life is one thing, actually taking that first step to making it happen is another. It’s a new month. What’s the first step you need to take in order to live your dream life?

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  • Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Build Your Dream

    They say when you work for someone else you’re helping them live their dream and not your own. This week, think about what type of business you can launch. Could it be one that starts out as a side gig or something you do for a few hours every night when you come home from the job you’ll leave when you become your own boss? This week, let’s dream BIG.

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  • Business Talk,  Monday Motivation

    Monday Motivation-Keep Your Vision

    Happy 2020. Welcome to the first Monday Motivation. Each week I’ll post an image with a quote that I hope will guide you through the week. A motivating thought that will help you when you feel like giving up your dream of making money or just simply living the live you love. Let’s begin this debut post with this quote about sticking to your vision. And if you’d like to see another Monday Motivation quote or have an interest in writing, check out my other site at www.thiswriterslife.com Enjoy your week and remember to live the life you love.

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  • Business Talk

    What’s Your Passion?

    Let’s kick off the making money journey with a question. What’s your passion? If you had to explain it in one sentence what would it be? I’m a firm believer in when you choose a business or a side gig, it’s best to go with something that you’re passionate about. Sure, you can choose the hot trend of the year, something that you know others are making thousands of dollars doing, but if it’s not something that you’re passionate about, it’s not going to last…you’re not going to last. When you work for yourself, you’ve got no one telling you what to do next, no boss watching over your shoulder making sure…

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