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Creativebug-Try it for Free!

Save money…make money.

That’s the theme of this site and easy ways to do both are to learn new skills.

Learning a new skill can help you save money, like sewing your own clothes, mending your own clothes, making homemade products etc.

Learning a new skill can also help you make money. Imagine learning how to knit, sew, make jewelry, create beautiful art that you can sell or even use as a stepping stone to start a successful business.

How do you learn new skills?


I was lucky enough to get complimentary access to their fantastic site and try some of the classes they offer. I honestly didn’t know which one to watch first, choices, choices, choices.

One of my goals for the year was to learn crochet. I purchased a book to teach myself, but to say I got in a tangled mess is an understatement. I watched the beginner’s class on Creativebug and voila! I figured out what I was doing wrong.

The next skill I want to polish is sewing. I’m ashamed to say I have a sewing machine that’s been collecting dust. I’m determined to watch all the sewing classes and finally make something homemade.

Whatever your passion, your goal, your need, or your need to start a business, please check out Creativebug and the best thing is you can give the site and classes a test drive for 60 days at no cost to you.

Just follow this link and sign up.

Full disclosure, this is my affiliate link so I will be compensated but at no extra cost to you.

I’d love to hear what classes you watch and if you put any of your new skills to use whether it’s to save or make money.


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