The CCC Toolbox is Back!
I’m excited to announce that you’re getting a second chance to grab a collaboration of 48 product creators to help you with your content – training, done-for-you products, tools, and resources. It includes my Self Publishing Toolkit Grab the Content Creation Collection for the low cost of $39.95 here’s the link, and yes, it’s my affiliate one and I will be compensated for your purchase- https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/zd9zt/0 Here are the other contributors and their products: Amanda Myers at Create Meow is offering the Sunflower Inspirational Quote Photos valued at $20.00 Angela Hobbs at Color My Agenda is offering the CMA Spring 2021 Special Bundle valued at $41.95 Lady Rayven Monique at…
It Shouldn’t Be About Just Selling…
Last week, we talked about affiliate marketing and the best way to pick and choose which products and services to sell to our list and subscribers. Today, let’s focus on one important aspect and that’s the subtle art of selling. In the ideal world everyone of your subscribers would click on the link you provide them and purchase something. It seldom happens but there are some ways you can at least up the odds of earning some affiliate income. Know Your Audience We also touched on this last week too. The better you know your audience, the better you can pick a product or service that your audience needs or…
Picking the Right Affiliate For You
Affiliate marketing, is it for you and how do you pick the right product to promote? If you have a web site or an e-mail list, one way to make extra income and our favorite type, passive income, is sign up to become an affiliate for a company, entrepreneur etc. It sounds easy, looks easy, and yes, it is, but the skill is in picking the right one. Here are three tips to help you decide which ones might be the best match for you- Don’t Go With the Big Bucks Some companies pay their affiliates lots of money while others offer just a dollar or less. Instinct tells us…
Is It Too Late To Join the Party?
Do you think all the good business ideas are taken and it’s too late to join the party? If you spend any time on line or subscribe to newsletters then I don’t have to tell you that lots of people are selling or offering the same thing. For the last five years or so, I’ve seen more people getting side gigs, selling coaching services, selling things on Etsy and this year, well, it seems more people have been invited to join the party. Many of you have told me you’re calling it a day because it’s getting harder to stand out from the crowd when your subscribers are being bombarded…
Affiliate Marketing-How To Pick and Choose
With so many affiliate programs out there, how do you pick the one that’s right for you, your business, clients and subscribers? I know it’s overwhelming. I gave up more than once trying to figure out which ones I should join. However, it’s definitely something you want to pursue because affiliate marketing once set up (and if you pick the right ones), means passive income. Passive income is the type we want not only to reach financial freedom but to keep us there. Work now, play later has become my new motto. How did I narrow it down and what do I look for? Here are my five deciding factors-…
Affiliate Marketing For Passive Income
I I’m a huge fan of passive income, work on it once, reap the rewards (aka money), later…sometimes forever! Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make passive income. You know I love anything that Angela of Laptop University creates and this time, she’s come up with Affiliate Marketing Profit-Boosters to show you how she’s made money through affiliate marketing and easy ways for you to be successful too. It’s usually $47 but with the coupon she’s provided, it’s just $17. I hope you’ll check it out, here’s the link (and yes, full disclosure, if you sign up I get affiliate commission… see how easy affiliate marketing works?)…
Affiliate Marketing Business Pack
Just a quick post to let you know I’ve just added a new product to the BSG store which is the Affiliate Marketing Business Pack. 14 digital products that will help you get started and make the most of your affiliate marketing efforts and even a chart in Excel format to keep track of all your marketing efforts and record how much money you’re making from each vendor. I’ve also included e-mail swipe templates and also suggestions for ways to use your posts to draw in customers so they click on the links and buy products and make you money. We’ll be talking lots more about affiliate marketing in the…
Making Money With Your Blog
Making money on your blog…why would there be any other reason to have one, right? When I started Budget Smart Girl (and also my writing blog), making money was actually the last thing on my mind. I wanted to share my knowledge, offer advice and yes, hopefully entertain my audience too. However, there comes a point when work takes up lots of your time and you wonder if you want to put in another hour or two that translates into volunteer work. Last year, that’s how I started to feel about blogging. It’s one of the reasons I gave up blogging here at BSG. I was paying for a site…