affiliate marketing,  Business Talk,  Side Gigs

Affiliate Marketing-How To Pick and Choose

With so many affiliate programs out there, how do you pick the one that’s right for you, your business, clients and subscribers?

I know it’s overwhelming. I gave up more than once trying to figure out which ones I should join. However, it’s definitely something you want to pursue because affiliate marketing once set up (and if you pick the right ones), means passive income. Passive income is the type we want not only to reach financial freedom but to keep us there. Work now, play later has become my new motto.

How did I narrow it down and what do I look for? Here are my five deciding factors-

Products You’d Use Yourself

I know lots of bloggers are affiliates for products just because the commission fee they earn is huge. For me, I’d rather take less money than endorse something I’ve never used and never will. I think that’s the fastest way to lose credibility with your audience. If you wouldn’t use it, skip it.

Choose Things You Make You Write From the Heart

I might be in the minority on this one too, but I look for products that make me write from the heart when I tell you about them. What I write is something I truly believe and not phony copy just to get you to buy.

People You Know and Trust

All the people I’ve signed up to be an affiliate for are people in my own circle of business associates. I know because I’m a member of their group, I’m a customer or client and I know they’re trustworthy.

Products That Will Resonate With Your Audience

I look for products and services that I think you’ll enjoy or will be of some benefit to you on getting you on the road to starting a business and financial freedom.

If It Doesn’t Feel Right

I’ve had a few instances where I’ve been signing up to be an affiliate and the questions they ask or the information they want just didn’t seem right. Something felt off about it and I closed the browser never to return. If you ever get that feeling too, chances are it’s not the right match for you and your audience.

Hope this has given you a brief look at how I pick and choose and if anyone else has any tips about picking affiliates, feel free to leave or comment or even e-mail me at

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