budget talk

Happy Holidays

I hope your holiday season is off to a wonderful start. 2024 has flown by and I hope it was a good and money saving one for you.

I’m looking forward to 2025 and the 15th anniversary of Budget Smart Girl.

I’ll be taking a two week break over the Christmas and New Year celebrations…the last Money Motivation will still be posted on December 23 and 30th. After that we’ll switch to Monday recipe ideas for the week and Money Motivation will move over to www.myworthypenny.com. I hope you’ll become a follower and subscriber to that site too. There’s also an Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook group as well.

On Budget Smart Girl, I’m bringing back the best buys of the month. This time for both grocery and non-grocery items and maybe a recipe or two using that month’s best buys. And for recipes and cooking tips be sure to check out www.cookinggrubhub.com.

Here’s wishing you and yours the happiest of this holiday season and for a money saving and making New Year.

If you don't want to miss all the good things coming up on Budget Smart Girl, including special deals, be sure to sign up to become a subscriber.

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