Creativebug-Try it for Free!
Save money…make money. That’s the theme of this site and easy ways to do both are to learn new skills. Learning a new skill can help you save money, like sewing your own clothes, mending your own clothes, making homemade products etc. Learning a new skill can also help you make money. Imagine learning how to knit, sew, make jewelry, create beautiful art that you can sell or even use as a stepping stone to start a successful business. How do you learn new skills? Creativebug. I was lucky enough to get complimentary access to their fantastic site and try some of the classes they offer. I honestly didn’t know…
Selling On Etsy
Have you thought about selling on Etsy? I now have four stores open on Etsy and thought I’d share my experience with you. I have to admit, I haven’t made that much money, and only one of the three stores has actually made money. I have one called Artey Crafety that sells digital planners. Budget Smart Girl, the newest one that ties in with this site. Poppins Jewelry that offers my upcycled jewelry I make as a hobby. And finally, Poppins Vintage, offers vintage jewelry, complete pieces that I find while I’m scouting for jewelry to upcycle. The first two are completely digital, no physical products at all. Both jewelry…
The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to Knitting
I first discovered knitting about a decade ago. For me, it’s not just about making some of your own clothes, but it’s also a great way for me to unwind and relax after a day at the keyboard. I went through a knitting dry spell for about three years, but decided to get back to it two years ago when I wrote a story about a knitting store for the local newspaper. It seemed that stepping inside this store …and seeing all the different yarns and colors, got my creative juices flowing again. However, things had changed. Ten years ago before the knitting boom hit, prices seemed reasonable. In fact,…