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Friday News You Can Use-Frugal Money Savers

We’re over half way through the first month of the year. How was your week?

Here are three more links to articles or videos I thought worth checking out, but first, I added a couple of cooking tips and my review of the cookbook Budget Bytes over at Budget Smart Girl’s cooking site, www.cookinggrubhub.com

And now to the links-

I’m a fan of the Penny Hoarder, in fact, I’ve been reading it for years. Here’s one of my favorites and it’s about 12 things to buy before prices go up


Another one of my favorite money sites is Wisebread and they had 16 steps to improve your finances


And finally, I found this channel called Frugal Over Fifty and I especially like the 10 Favorite Frugal Habits video


Have yourself a fun weekend and a money saving week.

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