News You Can Use-Money Saving Appliances
Has the first full week of February flown by or what? I almost forget that it’s Friday. Here are some money saving articles and vlogs I found this week- One of my favorite sites for all things money is Wisebread. This article features doable steps you can put into action- 16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances (wisebread.com) Another one of my favorites The Penny Hoarder with more fun money saving tips How to Save Money: 25 Ways to Put Away More Every Month (thepennyhoarder.com) And finally, I stumbled upon this YouTube channel called Under the Median who vloged about saving money appliances. How to Save…
Friday News You Can Use-Frugal Money Savers
We’re over half way through the first month of the year. How was your week? Here are three more links to articles or videos I thought worth checking out, but first, I added a couple of cooking tips and my review of the cookbook Budget Bytes over at Budget Smart Girl’s cooking site, www.cookinggrubhub.com And now to the links- I’m a fan of the Penny Hoarder, in fact, I’ve been reading it for years. Here’s one of my favorites and it’s about 12 things to buy before prices go up https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/save-money/supply-chain-shortages/ Another one of my favorite money sites is Wisebread and they had 16 steps to improve your finances https://www.wisebread.com/16-small-steps-you-can-take-now-to-improve-your-finances…
Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 26- 5 Sites Worth Checking Out
Yesterday, I told you about five books I think are worth checking out and today it’s web sites- The Dollar Stretcher I’ve been receiving e-mails from this site for…well, I can’t remember. It’s full of money saving tips- https://thedollarstretcher.com Wisebread Here’s another site I often check out https://www.wisebread.com/ Budget Girl This next one I discovered through YouTube (which by the way has lots of great videos from people who show you how to save money). https://budgetgirl.com/ Frugal Fit Mom And this is another one I stumbled upon through YouTube. https://frugalfitmom.net/ Rich Dad, Poor Dad And Rich Dad, Poor Dad was on my list of books and it also is on…
Track Your Spending
Welcome to week one of the summer money makeover Have you decided what you’re going to tackle between now and September 1st? One of my major goals is to track my spending. It used to be much easier when I wrote checks to pay bills and buy groceries because I’d write down what I spent and who I paid, along with how much was in my account. Those days are long gone and with them my organized system of seeing where the money was going. Recently I’ve been reading lots of financial books (reviews of them coming soon), and one piece of money advice they all have in common…
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