budget talk

Get Ready for the March Challenge

Get ready for our money challenge.

Are you ready for our Budget Smart Girl March challenge? It begins on March 1st and runs through the 31st. Yes, every day, weekends included. Each day I’ll be posting a challenge for you. To help you get ready here are some things you can do-

Write down everything you’d like to buy in the next year.

Write down all your skills and what you like to do the most.

Write down your biggest challenge when it comes to money.

Write down how much you’d like to have saved by March 2023.

If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do with your life?

Just some things to start thinking about and we’ll be tackling all these topics during the month of March.

Hope to see you on Tuesday here at Budget Smart Girl and feel free to spread the word to friends and family.

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