Friday Ramblings

Friday and April Round Up-What’s Ahead in May?

t’s the last day in April. Can you believe how quickly the month flew by?

Did you get everything on your to do list done?

I’m way behind on mine and one of the reasons for lack of posts here at BSG. I’m in the planning stages of a money mindset course I want to create and it’s taking longer than I thought.

If you didn’t see my post about the change in e-mails, a reminder that if you signed up Feedburner which would have been between 2005-2013, that platform is going away. I’m trying to import everyone on the list to the new Mailchimp one but I think I might have to do it one e-mail address at a time so be patient and it could be awhile before you get e-mails again. Or if you prefer, you can sign up again using the Pop up Builder that should appear on the screen when you visit the site

Next week, we’ll have our best buys for May and some tips on ways to get ahead of food inflation…I did see lots of companies are going to be raising their prices so let’s try and get one step ahead.

Have a fun weekend, see you again on Monday and remember to always live the life you love.

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