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Learning Something New and Black Friday Challenges

We’re in the homestretch for both our November challenges.

Did you learn anything new this month? Something fun? I’m hooked on the idea of trying to expand my skill set and while I won’t be doing it every day, I’m going to aim for learning a couple of new things per week in 2021.

And how about the Black Friday challenge?

Do you have three products ready?

I have mine ready to do, but yesterday I got into a panic. I loaded everything into the store, but for some reason, I couldn’t upload the files that customers will download on check out. I thought I’d have to alter my plans for a sale, but then, the problem solved itself. I love it when that happens.

If you’d like me to share links for your own sales, get that to me by Wednesday Nov 25th at 2 p.m. Central and I’ll include it in Friday’s special Black Friday post.

And here’s a preview of my three new products that will go on sale on Friday.

Here’s wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.

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