Business Talk

Trends For Making Money

What Does the Future Look Like?

Thinking about ways to make money in the next few months or even the next year and beyond?

During these times of change and uncertainty, I’ve been reading a lot more than usual. For me, that’s means a lot of reading. I’ve always looked for trends, what people are talking about, their fears and wants. It’s something we all need to get a feel for trends. It’s these trends and future needs that can put you ahead of the curve (and also, you could come up with something that’s really valuable to lots of people).

Based on my reading of the last few weeks, here’s what I’ve seen and these are some of my suggestions for you-

Personal Shoppers

You might not be able to go out and about right now but I’m guessing when lock downs and stay at home orders are lifted, there will still be people who don’t want to make runs to the grocery store. It could be that they’ve grown used to shopping for food online, or maybe they’re in high risks groups and still don’t want to risk venturing out in public. Being a personal shopper or even organizing and coordinating other shoppers is possibly a hot new business idea not only for this year but the future too.

Life and Career Coaching

I know people think we already have too many coaches but I’ll go out on a limb and say I think they’re going to be needed…good ones that is. The world’s going through trauma, lots of people are reporting feeling isolated, many have lost jobs and businesses. Be the resource that people need and I’m guessing you’ll have a great way to make money.

Digital All the Way

Physical objects scare people right now, whether it’s touching doors, packages, you name it. I’m a huge book fan and even I’m scared about ordering physical copies of books I’ve been waiting to read. Our future is digital and anything you can turn into a non-physical form is going to be hot.

Walking, Biking…the future isn’t the car

I’ve seen more people walking and biking by my house in the last few weeks then in the whole time I’ve lived here and that’s getting close to twenty years. Not only have we discovered great ways to exercise, with more people and companies realizing working from home is doable, the car might be something that’s used only now and then. Start a walking club, biking group, sell them, service them, you name it, it’s going to be the future.

People Are Going to Need an Assistant

Working from home, launching a business is hard work, believe me. I’m terrible at delegating chores and I’ve been too stubborn to hire an assistant and sometimes I’ve regretted it. Others probably aren’t as stubborn as me and yes, I know there are already lots of them, but think outside the box, create a niche…a service that only you offer, or a top notch service like no other and you’re in with a shot.

Did you know that Angela Wills from Laptop University was once a virtual assistant? Right now she’s running a $10 special on her Overnight VA Success Story. Below you’ll find the link to sign up…

(And in full disclosure this is my affiliate link)

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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