Online Stores

Opening an Online Store

Thinking about opening an online store?

The great thing about the Internet is it not only makes buying more convenient, it makes selling items a breeze.

Years ago, if you wanted to open a store you had to find a brick and mortar building to lease or buy, and then remodel, stock it…yeah, a pain in the you know what. Now with the click of a mouse, you can open your store for not only local people to visit, but the world too.

I’m making it all sound, easy, wonderful, yes, rose colored glasses sort of thing, but this ease actually becomes it’s downside.

Yes, everyone in the world can also open a store and be your competitors. But we’re going to figure out how to rise above the rest.

As promised, every third Tuesday each month, we’re going to focus on running stores online. Each time we’ll focus on one place you can do just that. Sites like Etsy, eBay, Amazon, Bonanza, Ruby Lane etc. We’ll also look at tips and tricks, apps that help you, ways to garner promotion. And we’ll take a look at selling on platforms like Shopify, the Woo Commerce plug in on your own site…it’s what I’m using for this site.

My own experience with online stores is mostly with Etsy. I now have four stores, Artey Crafety, Budget Smart Girl, Poppins Vintage, and Poppins Jewelry.

Artey Crafety focuses on journals and planners and I have made some sales. I’ll slowly be switching the products in that store over to Budget Smart Girl..haven’t made a sale on that store yet. Aftey Crafety will become the site for my artwork and sketches.

Poppins Jewelry is my upcycled jewelry I make. I have about ten products and so far haven’t made a sale, just one inquiry. Poppins Vintage is my vintage jewelry store and once again, no sales yet

I have to admit I haven’t put a lot of effort in promoting any of these stores besides giving them a mention on blogs. Yes, I know I have to if I’m going to earn some money. Biggest drawback is time and I realize that maybe I bit off more than I can chew with four stores launching at near enough the same time. I’m going to begin focusing on my art store and Budget Smart Girl and have the jewelry sites as retirement projects.

Do you already have a store? If so what platform are you selling on? Would you like to be featured on BSG? Is there a store owner you’d like to see interviewed? Leave a comment or e-mail me at

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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