Wednesday Interviews

Wednesday Interviews

All this week, I’m giving you a preview of what will feature on BSG in the coming weeks and months.

Every Wednesday there will be an interview with an entrepreneur, someone who’s running a business, maybe working a side gig or even making a living blogging.

Each interviewee will get the same set of questions so they can share their advice and tips on what it takes to succeed and even tell us about some of their failures along the way.

If you fit the criteria or know someone who does and would like to be featured, I’ve created a sign up form. Just follow the link and pick a Wednesday of your choice.

After you’ve signed up, contact me at and I’ll get the questions to you.

You can also contact me at that e-mail, if there’s someone you’d like to see interviewed. I can’t promise they’ll say yes, but I’ll give it my best.

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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