Blogging,  Business Talk

Blogging Tuesday

This week I’m giving you a preview of what each Tuesday will feature here at BSG.

The first Tuesday in each month will focus on blogs and blogging. It’s a popular way for people to make money, promote a business, or even set up a web site if you freelance or sell products.

I thought I’d kick things off with my own blogging story and how Budget Smart Girl actually came to be.

I was writing for a site called Hearth and Home and had a column there called Eating Well on a Budget and then had a second column called The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to the Universe. I wrote for them for a couple of years but when new management took over and changed the contract deals, I decided to launch my own blog/site and that was Budget Smart Girl. I know many of you reading this have been following along since its debut in 2005. (A huge thank you for your loyalty).

The site slowly built up traffic, got featured in some major press and was even named one of the top money sites to watch by US News and World Report. However, I got sidelined when my mom got sick and never really got back to regular blogging…well you know the story from there. But this year’s going to be different, I’m aiming to post five times a week…first tip with blogging, consistency is key to building traffic.

That’s my main goal this year, build up the traffic again, get subscribers…you’ve subscribed right? I hope you’ll join me every first Tuesday of the month for tips and advice about this whole blogging thing. Oh, and I also have another blog over at This Writer’s Life ( if writing is your thing. I post there five days a week so I know it’s possible. It’s tough some weeks when I’m teaching and coaching. Yes, that’s another tip, sometimes you just have to push yourself because the motivation isn’t always going to be there, you’re going to be tired and your body’s saying no, please stop and take a break.

Do you already have a blog or are you thinking about starting one? Would you and your blog liked to be featured in a future Blogging Tuesday or would you like to offer some tips, contact me at

February’s Blogging Tuesday will be all about creating content that draws in your reader.

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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