Going Green Means Saving Green
Earth Day is this Saturday and here are five easy ways I’ve found to go green and save money at the same time-
You can buy low water flow shower heads or even buy adapters to go on your current one. Neither are that expensive and if you’re think the water will just dribble out of the showerhead, you’d be surprised how the new versions are so good that you hardly notice the difference.
Dirty Laundry
Where I live, putting laundry outside to dry isn’t something I can do year round but when the temperature heats up a great way to save money on electricity (and your clothes too), is to hang everything outside to air dry. It also prevents heating up your home in the summer.
Fan Favorites
If you live in a humid climate, fans won’t always work but on the days when it’s just hot but humidity’s low, how about turning off the air conditioning and turning on a fan or two.
Dirt Cheap Gardening
Here’s something I’ve going to do this year instead of buying compost at the store…make your own. Buy a compost bin or even put your DIY skills to use and make your own. Another way you can save money in the garden is to install a rain barrel and catch all the free rainwater.
Walk or Bike
This one also gives you some free exercise too. Leave the car at home and either bike or walk to your destination.
Do you have a favorite eco friendly idea that saves money? Leave a comment and share your tip for us.
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