• Online Stores,  working from home

    Think Outside the Box-ASAP

    I’ve posted a few times about thinking outside the box. I’ve thought of it as necessity but now I think it’s vital for your survival as an entrepreneur. I’m spending many hours checking out sites where people sell things. Not physical things, but digital items. I know many of you reading this, sell digital items. Digital items are great, no keeping inventory, no going to the post office, the customer gets their product as soon as they pay. It’s win win for everyone and it’s easy to get stared. In fact, you could start with zero dollars. That’s another good thing, but let’s look at the downside of these pluses.…

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  • Business Talk

    An Honest Review of PDFelment

    Here’s a review of some software I did for my writing site, This Writer’s Life www.thiswriterslife.com and thought the product might be a good fit for BSG too as we’re now focusing on launching a business and I think this software could be helpful. I’ve never reviewed products here at TWL before but I was recently approached by a company to do just that. So disclaimer up front, I received the product in exchange for an honest review. What is the product and why did I agree to review it and share it with you? It a software program called PDFelement and it’s made by Wondershare Software LLC. At first,…

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