• budget talk

    Money Saving Tip-Save Seeds

    One way to stretch a budget and be less wasteful is to make sure you use everything. I know you can’t eat all parts of fruits and vegetables but try saving seeds from things like tomatoes and peppers. Even try growing an avocado pit. I even have some apple seeds I’m going to give a try growing in the spring. Best thing you you don’t have to spend any more money because you’re sourcing it from something you’ve already paid for. I call that a win-win for budget smart people.

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  • Friday Ramblings

    Weekly Round Up

    The first week of March is coming to a close. As usual, I’ve had more on my to do list than time to do each chore but as I always say, there’s always next week! How about you? What did you get done? Are you working on anything related to last month’s Money Mindset Makeover Challenge? If so, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to reach out to me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com. Money and all things finance seems to be on everyone’s minds these days. I started this site five years after one major economic downturn and five years before another one. And now I’m really happy that I…

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