Weekly Round Up

The first week of March is coming to a close. As usual, I’ve had more on my to do list than time to do each chore but as I always say, there’s always next week!
How about you? What did you get done? Are you working on anything related to last month’s Money Mindset Makeover Challenge? If so, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to reach out to me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com.
Money and all things finance seems to be on everyone’s minds these days. I started this site five years after one major economic downturn and five years before another one. And now I’m really happy that I decided to revamp it a few years ago.
It’s almost spring and this year I’ve planned ahead with ordering seeds, potting soil, pots, you name it. Last year, everything sold out before I had a chance to get what I needed. I’ll be planting the usual things, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli and yes, carrots…not had much luck with those, but I’m going to give them another try. I’m also going to plant potatoes again and this year, another new item, garlic. I’m also hoping to get some canning and dehydrating done this year. The last few years, I haven’t canned anything or even made any preserves. The main reason, besides being too busy, the prices on fruits weren’t that great. This year I might try travel out to farms where you can pick your own berries.
Growing your own food and preserving it is a great way to save money (and know what you’re eating), so if you haven’t thought about it before give a few things a try this year. There are lots of tutorials on sites like YouTube for both gardening and canning.
And before I go, a reminder about Angela’s sale. Here are the links and yes, full disclosure they’re my affiliate ones and I will be compensated for anything you buy using them-
Online Business PLR for 30+ Products, $500 – https://angelawills.com/amember/aff/go/susiep?i=46
Start an Onine Business eCourse PLR, $35 – https://angelawills.com/amember/aff/go/susiep?i=43
Organize Your Business Action Guide PLR, $15 – https://angelawills.com/amember/aff/go/susiep?i=44
That’s it for this round up of the week. Hope you have a good weekend and ‘see’ you again on Monday.
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