Deciding Why You Want to Gain Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is the end goal but why do you want it? Last week we talked about FIRE. I know many of you read and follow these posts because financial freedom is your end goal. Let’s talk about the many ways you can get there. And yes, sorry financial freedom seekers, there’s some sacrifice and hardship along the way. When I coach writing students I always begin with this question… Why do you want to write a book? Each person’s answer is unique to them. We all have different reasons and motives for wanting to do something. So, take a few minutes and think about why you want to achieve…
Let’s Start Talking About FIRE
Fire, no, not the type you use to keep warm or start to cook food, but FIRE otherwise know as Financial Independence, Retire Early. One or both of those things might sound good to you. I’m probably not going to go with the Retire Early part, but I’ve always loved the idea of financial independence. Yes, even before it became a catchphrase. The having enough money as not to be dependent on something else be it a person or otherwise for your everyday needs and long term survival. Never having to worry about losing your job because you’ve got enough saved to tide you over until another one comes along.…