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Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Check In Time

Did you take the Money Mindset Makeover Challenge in February?

It’s check in time!

Let’s think back to February and the Money Mindset Makeover Challenge. Did you take part? If you haven’t checked it out, you can find all the posts-28 days of ideas to challenge your money mindset.

At the end of the challenge, I mentioned that we’d do a June check in as we enter the third quarter of the year.

If you’ve been using the makeover as a blueprint to make and save money, how are things going?

Did you give up after the first month?

If so, why?

What did you find the hardest thing to change with regards to prior money mindset?

Was it on the saving side or the making money?

Maybe you’ve found out that you struggle to save money. You might have figured out that you spend all the money you make or even spend more than you make.

How about making money?

Did you find your ideal side gig?

Figure out what you’re good at or what expertise you can share with us and get paid for your knowledge and talent?

Maybe you took the challenge and everything is going well. So, my next question is are you confident that you can keep this going for the rest of the year and beyond?

Feel free to share comments about how you’ve done and what you’ve struggled with. Share your success with everyone. Even let me know at (bugetsmartqueries@gmail.com), if you started a business and I’ll feature you here at BSG.

Is there anything you’d like to learn more about? Are your biggest concerns about saving money or making money?

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