• Friday Ramblings

    Friday and April Round Up-What’s Ahead in May?

    t’s the last day in April. Can you believe how quickly the month flew by? Did you get everything on your to do list done? I’m way behind on mine and one of the reasons for lack of posts here at BSG. I’m in the planning stages of a money mindset course I want to create and it’s taking longer than I thought. If you didn’t see my post about the change in e-mails, a reminder that if you signed up Feedburner which would have been between 2005-2013, that platform is going away. I’m trying to import everyone on the list to the new Mailchimp one but I think I…

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Side Gigs,  working from home

    Planning Ahead

    Fall is still a little over a month away but with an early morning chill in the air, I’ve begun planning. Fall not only ushers in beautiful colors and more comfortable temps, but the realization that there’s only four more months left in the year. Time to take a look back at what you’ve done, what you promised to do, and what you can still do in those four remaining months. Yesterday, I sat down and began my fall planning and thought I’d share it with you. Bundle Contributions I’m taking part in two bundle contributions this fall. I’m excited about it because earlier contributions helped me grow my list.…

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  • budget talk

    The Budget Smart Girl’s Five Things To Do List

    The holidays aren’t all about spending money; they can be about saving it too. Here are my top five things that every Budget Smart Girl should be doing right now- Stocking Up Hopefully, your budget isn’t stretched to the max because the last two weeks of the year are perfect for stocking up. Check your local supermarket and you’ll find things like flour, canned veggies, spices and chocolate are all heavily discounted. And the good news is all many of these items have a long shelf life, so now’s the time to grab the bargains. Thinking Ahead Okay, you’ve just got over one celebration and you don’t want to start…

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